Google Career Certificate
G o o g l e C e r t i f i c a t i o n C o u r s e s Google is launching several initiatives aimed at helping job seekers, including opening enrollment for its three career certification courses. The three paid courses, first announced last August, are available on Coursera and allow people to earn the equivalent of a four-year degree in as little as six months. To start, Google is offering programs in the fields of Data Analytics, Project Management, and User Experience (UX) Design. Along with opening enrollment for these courses, Google is announcing new ways for certificate holders to get hired, and an improvement to the job-hunting experience in Google Search. STEPS TO ENROLL GOOGLE CERTIFICATION COURSES Click on the link Coursera registered yourself as a student. select courses from the given list. (Before applying for the course make some research whether you understand the concept of the course etc.) Click on the enroll for free , where you can av...